Our Story
The Bible Study Course was developed for those want to study the Word of God, but have difficulty retaining what they've read. Early in my 15+ years of youth ministry I discovered that many teens have an uncanny ability to read a few verses out of the Bible and somewhere between their eyes leaving the page and looking up, they've completely forgotten what they read. And after 3+ years of adult education...many adults seem to have the same problem.
So The Bible Study Course was designed; encouraging Christians to interact more with the scriptures, rather than just letting it go in one ear and out the other.
Our Approach
Our Doctrine
Perhaps the biggest concern many would have before deciding to use The Bible Study Course would pertain to the doctrines taught in The Bible Study Course.
By in large, we've left as many things open ended as possible so that the Holy Spirit can minister to whoever is taking this study course. We want everyone to pray about it and reach his or her own conclusions; this is an area where we want the Holy Spirit to deal in each person’s life.
However, we will not retreat from firmly stating our beliefs in the deity of Jesus Christ, the God-inspiration of the scriptures, the virginity of Mary at Christ’s conception, the absoluteness of Christ’s resurrection, and the fact that we must be saved in order to enter heaven. Those who are not saved will most assuredly go to hell.
Otherwise, most of our doctrine will be kept out of The Bible Study Course.
If you'd feel more comfortable having specific questions answered, please feel free to contact us!
Our Story
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