Studying the Bible...simplified
Read the scriptures assigned in the workbook outlines. Listen to the audio commentary. Read the scriptures again. Keep a journal of what the Lord has shown you. It's that easy!
The Workbooks:

The idea is that as you read the Bible and keep a journal of what the Lord shows you. The outlines in the workbook are to focus your reading on a specific area in the scriptures, and the commentary is there to help arouse your thinking about the scriptures. The important part in studying the scriptures is that you allow the Holy Spirit minister and teach you God’s Word.
If you’re among the many of us who could benefit from a more focused approach to studying the scriptures and are interested in retaining and comprehending more of what you’re reading; to deepen your understanding and knowledge of the Word of God and overall, deepen your walk and relationship with Christ; this might be for you.
Ready to get started?
Click here to purchase The Bible Study Course!
Interested in the Online School?
Click here to get more information regarding the His Church - School of Ministry Online Classes!